Thursday 24 February 2011

What I'm Currently Doing...

I have currently taken a step back from all the website development tutorials and learning the various languages like CSS and PHP as I am really interested in building mobile applications due to the heavy programming side of things.

I am currently working on a small application for the Apple iPhone, but as I do not have a Mac at the moment, the development is very buggy and tends to fail when I try and compile it into the cracked emulator that I must try it on. Also, the problem of me not having an iPhone means I cannot try the application on a real handset, but I am sure a friend or two will allow me to try it when it is getting closer to complete.

I can't currently give any details out to you guys as I havent fully understood what my application is about just yet. All I can tell you is that it will be a small game, with (I am hoping) 3 levels of gameplay as well as animated characters and enemies with anh interactive environment.

Apart from that, it is still all underground :) As soon as I have any major areas developed I will upload some images straight away and see what you guy think. I have no idea how long it will take me as I just work on it when I have spare time at home, but I will hopefully have it done in the next few weeks.

Thanks for reading :)

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