Sunday 31 October 2010

Medal Of Honor Review

I figured the main thing I do at the moment is play PC games via Steam, so why not write about one of the main ones I have been playing at the moment. This game is of course the new "Medal of Honor." Now many people really don't like this new game in the collection, but I personally think it is amazing. If there are any gamers out there that want a decent multiplayer first person shooter then go for Medal of Honor. In my opinion, Call of Duty is terrible and I really like Medal of Honor, there are different aspects to it such as larger maps, weapon customisation with aspects such as new sights, magazine sizes etc. This has a battlefield feel to it, as the multiplayer engine is Dice. Who also created the famous Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which instantly makes Medal of Honor a winner.

The singleplayer of Medal of Honor is terrible, and should be played for the story but the actual gameplay of the story is so different to the multiplayer as it is on a different engine and I think it is really bad compared to other FPS singleplayers such as Battlefield. If I could change one major thing about MoH then it would definately be the singleplayer. I would create it on the DICE engine.

There hasn't really been many bugs due to the Beta release of the game, but whilst playing the singleplayer I have come across a few. One main one was on the 3rd mission, I would try and activate some in game artillery but they wouldn't fire, and then my team mates would start shouting at me and later on the mission would fail as they artillery didn't fire and the enemies weren't killed.

If I hadn't already bought Medal of Honor I would definately purchase it, especially looking at Black Ops. Which looks pants ;D Anyway, This review looks like it sucks, but I hope you guys get some kind of breif view of Medal of Honor and hopefully pick it up ;D

Btw, my SteamID is Remtard :)

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