Monday 1 November 2010

Fable 3 and New Hardware for my PC?!?!

Today is the day my personal waiting for Fable 3 is over. After the years have passed since Fable 2 was released and finished, I have wanted to play the third one, and thanks to Matt, I bought it today. Honestly, I think it looks amazing, although it hasn't even entered my xbox yet ;D I'm going to play it all tonight and try and come up with an honest, non-biased review tomorrow night, to try and get across my views and opinions about the long awaited game from Lionhead Studios.

Tonight I have also been discussing new Graphics Cards with Simon as well as a new Computer case for myself :/ I'm currently wondering whether to stick with my beloved Coolermaster HAF 922 case, or move onto a larger case known as the Obsidian 800D. They are both such great cases, but the extra space in the 800D might allow me to do a bit more with the hardware inside, as well as hiding all the cables correctly and hopefully move onto water cooling the PC build.

This is the Obsidian 800D, as you can see it looks gorgeous ;D

                               The Coolermaster Haf 922 to the right is my current case

Anyone got any suggestions about the cases with positives or negatives, I've been looking on some forums as well at various different case reviews and many people say the Obsidian is a leading case for keeping the computer cold, but the air flow in the HAF 922 is hard to beat :/ CONFUSED.
    Once again, a terrible post, with no point to it at all, just still getting used to the website :)
Cheers for looooooking :) x


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