Tuesday 18 January 2011


Runescape will be good again!
Jagex have officially announced that they are bringing back the wilderness and free trade after a long awaited update. For those who play Runescape I'm sure you are as happy as myself and friends who play, but those who do not care at all for Runescape... you really should.

Web development
Myself and Matt have finally got round to buying our hosting for our web design and hosting free lancing so if you know of anyone who would like any work doing, send them our way ;D I will update this blog when our web page is completed and running smoothly, but until then we will be designing the layout and working on certain ideas we currently have.

Minecraft <3
I have started playing Minecraft again on a singleplayer and have once again remembered how amazing it actually is compared to other large scale games. I recently only noticed that the game title won the PC Gamer Game of the Year award. I am extremely impressed that a strictly coded game managed to beat other gaming companies that rely on 3D graphic design programs rather than programming methods to code the game from scratch.

This is just going to stay as a short post as I want to carry on posting on my blog, but currently there isn't much to discuss. When our webpage is up and running with a forum I will post the links up here and see what you think.
Cheers, Remtard.

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