Saturday 18 December 2010

I'm starting again...

Wow, I really haven't posted on this at all recently. Which really goes against what my original plan was when I made this blog but anyway. I just wanted to write about what's happening at the moment. Well basically, Cataclysm is fully released for World of Warcraft which is awesome. To be honest, patch 4.0.3 has to be the best thing I've ever seen in a game. The new WoW quests are addictive and much more inviting, so I can actually level a new character without getting bored, the graphics have been revamped, and to anyone who has played it... One word... Water. It looks amazing. Seriously, Blizzard have done such a good job with this new release and I can't see the game improving much more until the next expansion.

WoW cataclysm artwork
The new race additions to World of Warcraft are very impressive. I race changed my Night Elf hunter to a Worgen hunter, and I love the new look and racial advantages. If you are a WoW player you'll know what I am on about, if not... get playing. But seriously, if you have always been inbetween starting WoW and leaving it, now's the time to start. The game is balanced, the community is great and there is so much to do from a low level, including dungeons, PvP battlegrounds and questing. It's great.

Me and my friend Matt also sent off our UCAS forms and literally 12 hours later we recieved an offer from Huddersfield University to study Computer Games Programming. I was impressed that the forms went through that quick, fair play. 

Finally, I have been staring at a lot of Java code recently and spending a lot of time trying to figure out various applications that have been made for Android based phones. Just so I can try and make my own. After realising all of these were very complex I decided to try and make my own bot for Runescape. This was much more successful and the code was a lot easier. After around an hour I managed to script a bot to make my Runescape character walk forward, turn the camera and then dance for roughly 3 minutes and then repeat... pointless? Yes. Worth it? Definately. 
Old graphics of Runescape, the good days

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