Monday 22 November 2010

Dead Rising 2

The beginning...
I visited friendly old Game today in Llandudno and saw that Dead Rising 2 was on sale on PC for £20. So I thought it would be rude not to buy it. So I installed it on my PC and to be honest, it has to be the most fun thing I've played in a while.The main character is a professional motor cyclist called Chuck who has tragically lost his wife in a Zombie outbreak in Las Vegas, not only that, his daughter too has been bitten and is slowly turning into a zombie. The only thing Chuck can do is fight through thousands of zombies and collect the rare medication called Zombrex that will help prevent Katey from turning into a zombie until the armed forces arrive 72 hours later to control the situation.

Chuck, the main character
                             The start is a bit boring, you do the classic climb through the ventilation, go through the mall, learn to fight, grab weapons and food. Sorted. The first task was basically to go get the medication called Zombrex for your daughter Katey. So I followed the kindly placed arrow until I was confronted by some looters equipped with a tomahawk and crowbars. After beating them repeatedly with a baseball bat and a bottle of ketchup I grabbed the Zombrex and asked a pharmacist (survivor) if they wanted to follow me to safety. Naturally they did. After major hassle with the NPC and zombies I reached the safety zone. I ran over to my daughter only to be told that she can have her medicine once every 24 hours, between the hours of 7am and 8am. I looked at my in game watch and it was 3:30am. Yes... too much time to wait. So I went for an explore...

3 and a half hours to spare...What do?
... Attack as many zombies as possible with ridiculous weapons ofcourse. I found so many different weapons to use against them, traffic cones, shower heads, electric guitars, benches, bins, plant pots. Anything with a small gun icon can be used as an icon. It's great. I ran around until my daughter needed the mediciation to prevent her from turning into a zombie herself. Once I gave her the medication I figured I should follow the cases and make sure I get a good ending first time round and then just replay for in game achievements and for the sheer fun of attacking anything in the way.

What am I looking forward to?
Most of all I am looking forward to fighting all of the psycho's and harder enemies that should appear towards the middle and end of the story, just like the first one. Also all of the multiplayer modes that are built into the game. Racing around on motorcross bikes with chainsaws on the handlebars,,, sounds fun right. Not only do you drive a bike round a velodrome guess what the obstacles are...? You got it, hundreds of zombies. I can't wait.

My first glance verdict
Considering I have only played it for a mere hour or so it was so much fun and I can definately see it being a great addition to my PC game collection. Also the specifications to max the game out arent that high so the FPS count is huge, with fraps running I am hitting just over 100 and I have only overclocked my processor (4.00Ghz i7 920) and left the graphics card (ATI HD5770 1gb) standard. So for someone like my friend Simon, he would hit well over 100fps with more to follow. Dead Rising 2 is definately worth a look, whether it is on console or PC, make sure you check videos out or even buy it yourself. Well done Capcom.
Cheer's for reading, Buhbye.

Dead Rising 2 background 

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