Thursday 18 November 2010

It's actually really good

So as you guys know I picked up Black Ops for the 360 the other day, and to be honest it's nothing like I imagined. I started off playing with a positive attitude thinking "This is going to be like MW2, it'll start off all great and then it'll just get worse and worse." Well honestly, coming from a guy who really wasn't looking forward to it, it's actually very good. There are some minor aspects that should be looked at by Treyarch, but honestly I don't think they'll bother until loads of members from both consoles, the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 communities complain. These small things are problems such as the RC cars being able to go up stairs, some players can sponge more than others, when the host shoots he gets like a second head start in the gun fight, so the server registers him hitting you more times. These from the above are only small things, but so far they are the only things that have effected online gameplay in anyway.

The matchmaking system is just like Modern Warfare 2, many games are great, others not so great. The host migration system has improved massively and there aren't many disconnections unless the host does the "dashboard" technique, but that's not every game so it's all good.

Now myself and Will have been playing a lot of Domination, and to be honest, it's amazing. I was using the enfield, which is an amazing weapon and was finishing games with around 30 kills and 10 deaths, on average. But now I reached rank 20 (lol) I unlocked the Galil, formerly known as the GILILILILILILILILbalalalack. Which is an amazing weapon. Now, Domination should be placed on a large map right? different points, lots of vantage areas, enough room to have large shoot offs. WRONG. When it's on Nuketown there are 3 points in the space of about... a kitchen floor. It's ridiculous, but so much fun. As you can see below, the image shows the map of Nuketown, but the problem is it is only the area on the left consisting of the bus in the centre, the small bit of road around it and the two houses opposite each other. Too much space.
Nuketown - Black Ops

Treyarch released a patch today I believe for Black Ops, so I'm going to go check that out, and hopefully write up about it later, and if I get a chance to play the singleplayer I'll give a short review on how that compares to the multiplayer. Let's just hope that the it's not like Medal of Honor, great multiplayer engine, bad singleplayer engine.

Treyarch  1 - Infinity Ward  0
Finally, keep an eye out of Will's youtube channel, hopefully we'll get some montages up when he sorts his capture card out :) Cheers for looking.


  1. Nice post :)

    It's not bad at all, maybe sort the spawning out but that's about it, Treyarch always deliver what they promise unlike IW. ;D

  2. aha yeah Mikey, hopefully when that is sorted they might focus on some minor things that enjoy annoying people. Like the RC cars. They need a limit on them or like a certain distance they can travel before losing signla. Cause you can literally spawn and send one to the other side of the map and ruin someones streak... it's terrible >< apart from that it's great :D
