Friday 5 November 2010

League of Legends

I can't write a complete blog post just yet about League of Legends, but for those of you who know what it is... it's a lot of fun. Although it is taken very serious when you get into it, the actually layout of the game and the playability is pretty comical. For example, there is a character, a.k.a champion, who is a mummy from egypt and has massive feet, and his standard melee attack is too head butt the enemy. I mean... come on, that's got to be worth a look.

I have been playing it tonight with Jon, and I have to say at first I was happy with a character called Fiddlesticks, but he was missing something. He has power, but no speed. Then I randomly tryed another character called Sivir and this character was perfect, with some extra gear she was even better. She's extremely fast, but lacks power. But by the time I have hit her 3 times, the enemy has hit me once. Within the gear is usually critical hit chance increase and attack power. Overall increasing my attacks and my chance to critical hit causing higher damage.
I think I have found my newly loved character which I will continue with.

The actual game LoL is all online, and is based around pure PvP. So if you don't like playing against other players most of the time then this game might not be your ideal choice. At first I was like... meh PvP doesn't sound to appealing, but after a couple of games you seem to forget you're playing against other people and just keep playing over and over. There are in game levels and outside levels. The in game levels are just from level 1 to 18 for the character increasing their overall stats and gear. Then there is the outside game levels which is the level of the players "summoner" which is their actual account. The higher the summoner level, the better their champions are at the beginning of games. There is so much to League of legends, much of it I have not discovered myself yet. But if I were you I'd download the game client and give it a go. After all it is free.
Click here to download the LoL client. The client linked is for the EU server only.

Good luck :)

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