Thursday 4 November 2010


Fallout: New Vegas... is amazing. This post isn't going to be long, as its 1am and I'm tired and have college in the morning, but basically I just want to give a very small post about Fallout. The playability is perfect, the graphics are stunning especially in Ultra High Quality. The fps rate is massive considering the quality of the models and the amount of objects and textures that have been rendered in the game world. It's unbelievable, everything seems perfect just like Fallout 3. I will write a much larger review once I have played more of the game itself, but after racking up 4 hours gameplay... I can honestly say it's going to be such an amazing game from beginning to the end. I just hope Bethesda are thinking of some DLC that can top the Fallout 3 DLC. It'll be hard, but they managed it with Oblivion and Morrowind so I'm sure they'll manage it again.

Also to anyone who uses at ATI graphics card and has Windows 7 running as their operating system, download this program and it will fix all the bugs within your graphics card and make your GPU run much better and potentially increase the quality of your gaming. Click here for the download.

Happy Gaming :)

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