Tuesday 9 November 2010

PC...GTX 580... First Java Application

My Computer Build (At the moment)

I figured seems as though I love writing about computer components and hardware that are in the market at the moment, I might as well write about mine and see what you all think. My PC build is quite powerful, not the best, but it gets everything done quickly that I want to do. My PC consists of multiple components that I bought seperately and put together myself. These include:
 Case -                  Coolermaster HAF 932
 PSU -                  Corsair 850watt TX
 Processor -          Intel i7 920 D0 2.66ghz overclocked @ 3.75ghz
 Motherboard -     Asus P6T SE
 Memory (Ram) -  6gb (3 x 2gb) DDR3 1600mhz Crucial Ballistix
 Graphics Card -   ATI HD5770 1gb GDDR5
 Physics Card -     Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT  
 Hard Drive(s) -    Western Digital Caviar Green 2tb
                       -    Western Digital 500gb
 Keyboard -         Logitech G11
 Mouse -              Razer Imperator

I love the specs of my PC and considering I have overclocked my processor, the temperatures I get are around 55 degrees celcius which is very good considering it is a stock cooler. But I have been told that my case has great air flow which helps dramatically with the cooling of the system. Here are some pictures I have taken of my computer, they're not the best of photos, but you get to see the majority of it.

My PC, closed
My PC, open

 I have some plans to improve performance of my PC. These are:

  - To purchase a new cooler, either Noctua DH-14 or possibly build a watercooling system into my case to allow me to overclock my components more, causing more stress, more power and very low temperatures.
  - Purchase a new graphics card, either a GTX 480 depending on overclocks, a GTX 580 after more reviews have come out. But first I want to wait for the new AMD (ATI) card to be released. The HD6990. This card looks amazing already, it has two GPU's, so in effect it is two graphics cards in one. This card should be so fast, it's going to be immense. Price's won't be too generous though.
  - I am also planning on buying a Solid State Drive when the prices lower, so I can installing Windows and my Steam folders onto it, so all these will open extremely fast. Also programs such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver so any work I want to do is accessed very fast etc.
  - I am still debating on possibly changing my motherboard for the MSI Big Bang, as the reviews for this motherboard are extremely positive and there are so many overclocking possibilities that can be done on this board. Aswell as the Big Bang I am thinking of buying 3 more 2gb DDR3 1600mhz Crucial Ballistix memory to increase my speeds even more.

These ideas are all still in the back of my head, but if I get enough money I think it will be done.

GTX 580 released today at 2pm, (9 November 2010)

 Today was the release of the new Nvidia graphics card, the GTX 580. As far as I know this card is extremely powerful and can be overclocked to be even better. The previous card released by Nvidia, the GTX 480 was also very powerful and it can be overclocked to be the same as GTX 580. I know what you're thiking, "why spend more on a new card, when an older card can be made the same." Well, I was thinking this too. But remember, when overclocking components you have to be very careful of the temperatures that the components reach, and to prevent these temperatures occuring on the GTX 480, a new heatsink may have to be bought. This could bring the overall price up to the same as a new GTX 580, which can be overclocked even further with safe temperatures. I will look into the GTX 580 over the next couple of days and hopefully try one out if someone I know buys one and I will get some benchmark results. But until then keep having a look around forums such as the overclockers forum, as many members have already bought them and are messing around with the overclocks as we speak. Also I will be writing a comparison post between the GTX 580 and the HD6990 when they are released. As well as giving my own opinion and the graphics card which I will be purchasing for myself, exciting stuff.
GTX 580, current price £425 approx

 First Java Application Made by Myself and Matt

Me and my friend Matt went over some Java today, as we want to learn it for both university and freelance use, and we managed to make a simple application. It will sound so terrible and boring, but every bit of code we cover now will help in the long run, guaranteed. Anyway, we were being told what to by one of our tutors called Inge, and at the end of it we had made a small calculator that asked for various digits and ran some small equations which added the given numbers together giving the correct answer. Although it sounds very simple, it took a short while to get my head around some of the commands used. But they all seemed simple by the end of it, and although it was just a calculator it felt good to be able to write a couple of sentences and have the computer run something I had asked it to.

Wow this post is long, if you read to the end I thank you for taking the time and increasing my views :)
Thanks, Remtard.

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