Thursday 11 November 2010

Saw 3D [SPOILERS]... kinda

Saw 3D was actually pretty good to be fair. The 3D effects made it seem much more real and the gore looked fantastic. I went to see it on the 10th of November with Matt, Dan and Craig (priest). At first I thought it was going to be terrible but after seeing Chester Bennington (singer of Linkin Park) glued to a leather seat and rip his entire back off, it was starting to look like a good film.
The effects in the film were really good, as well as the story. Well that was until the ending came. But up until you realised what the hell was happening it was really good. I hope it is the ending of Saw though, as much as I like the films, they can't possibly make anymore.

Meh, she gets rolled
This is just a short post tonight as I am currently trying to get my head around CSS stylesheets when using a photoshop website template as the main basis. meh, i'll get there. The next post should hopefully include a review of my new CPU cooler which should be arriving tomorrow, but you'll have to wait to see what it is ^_^ Also I will hopefully have made some sort of website template and possibly some CSS styling which I will try and put on a temporary web page for you too see and let me know what you think.
Cheers guys, G'night x

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