Sunday 14 November 2010 back

So today Matt came around, basically to learn some new java and work on a project we have been planning for extra experience for University etc. We started following some tutorials to learn short cuts around certain procedures that need to be taken to continue with our project when I figured I may as well let my World of Warcraft update ready for Cataclysm. Well, after that had all updated I had a look at Matt's character. He plays a level 80 Night Elf Warrior called Sarakus, and to be honest, just by the way the warriors look at 80. I wanted to play one. Now as everyone knows I stick to WoW characters for as long as I stay alive on CoD. For the record, we're dealing with around 5 seconds. So anyway, I re-subbed my WoW account for the beautiful price of £8.99 a month, and started rolling a warrior. So far so good. They have nice hits, the gear will be nice and simple to follow, and hopefully with the help of SWIFTY <3<3<3 I will learn some good tactics for leveling and fighting in both PVP and PVE when I am a higher level. The realm I have joined is called "Defias Brotherhood" so I can join Priest and Matt in their epic journey of destiny, just like the journey Gollum takes with Sam Wise. But anyway, my character is called "Gahoogley" so if anyone is on that realm, feel free to add me etc. Or not... either one.

Anyway, this blog post is pretty pants as I haven't accomplished anything over the weekend, so happy days.
My next blog will hopefully cover my own personal review about my soon to be new CPU cooler, the Thermalright Silver Arrow. Within this review I will post up my Overclocking temps, the max power I got out of my processor and whether or not it will be at a stable temperature for 24/7 usage. My goal is to reach 4.2ghz with nice temps. My current overclock is 3.7ghz with around 60 degrees celcius on a stock cooler. Which isn't bad. Anyway, thanks for reading. Buhbye.

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