Wednesday 1 December 2010

It's been a while

I only realised today that it has been a while since I had wrote a post for my blog, so I thought I'd fill you in on some of the new things that have occurred in the time away from this.

Well, to start off, on the 27th I turned 19, which is pretty cool. No special age though, doesn't allow me to do anything else legally, so not much to celebrate really. But I did have some friends over and they bought their computers, so to give a brief example of what we had... 4 computers all hooked up to the internet and basically we played League of Legends and World of Warcraft all night. Geeky? Correct. Sad? No where near. Now to many people, celebrating a birthday in that way would be... well boring. But not for me, I love gaming and I love my friends. So why not combine their ultimate forces and create a night that I'll remember rather than going to Broadway (a local night club) and getting so drunk that I can't remember what I was celebrating.

On the note of online gaming, I just want to say a massive thank you to Blizzard, the creators of World of Warcraft, for releasing patch 4.0.3. It is possibly the best thing that has happened to WoW. There are new quests, new NPC's, all the areas have changed, and OH MY GOD the water is amazing. I cannot describe to you the excitement I have when I see water on World of Warcraft. If your graphics are set to ultra then the ripples, the reflection, everything... wow. The only downside to this patch is... you actually need a half decent computer to run the game itself. The graphics have improved massively and they have gone into great detail with them. Next stop... Tessellation. If they take advantage of Direct X 11 then they'll be rolling in the HD graphics.

Anyway, I'm going to stop here and go and enjoy some more World of Warcraft water. This is only a short post I know, but I will plan some new reviews, I bought Alien VS Predator the other day on Steam. I know it's been out a while, but I will come up with some sort of review for that and let you guys see it if you were planning on buying it.
Cheers guys x

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